The Difference
Learn to get the most out of your amazing brain by working with and improving on your weaknesses, while simultaneously discovering and celebrating your strengths.
Love Your Brain specialises in reading remediation, as well as coaching in math, spelling, writing, organisational skills, and finding your special gift.
We work with students who are dyslexic, ADHD, Autistic, or those just needing a boost.

Julie K
Dyslexia is mostly characterised by having trouble with reading, despite being smart. Problems can include difficulty with spelling words, reading quickly, writing words, "sounding out" words in the head, pronouncing words when reading aloud and understanding what you are reading.
But it can have more symptoms than just reading. In fact, some dyslexics are actually very good readers. <More>
There are many lists and warning signs of dyslexia, across all age groups. One of the first things to know is that dyslexia is often genetic, so there is a high chance of having it if someone else in the family does. But remember, dyslexia wasn't always diagnosed well, so adults in your family may have it without knowing. <More>
Just like our fingerprints, the symptoms (and advantages) of dyslexia can appear quite uniquely in each individual. Some learners may be strong in maths, but weaker in reading or spelling, while others may struggle more writing or staying organised.
And to be successful in life as well as education, it is important to play to your strengths while working with your weaknesses.
There are many programmes around that address reading or spelling, but not many that view the learner as a whole in order to get the best out of them. This is where Love Your Brain can step in. <More>
Having a diagnosis of Dyslexia, or strongly suspecting its presence does not mean your learner should look forward to school years full of frustration and failure. With a strong self-esteem, a network of appropriate support, and some hard work along the way, each individual can blossom to achieve a full, happy and successful life. <More>