What is
The Plan?
Every dyslexic person has their own unique fingerprint. While some find reading difficult, others can struggle with spelling, maths, writing, organisational skills or a combination of these things. On the flip side, you may have amazing skills that are borne from your dyslexic mind. Because each person is so unique, an individualised plan is the best way forward.
Reading & Spelling
Difficulty with reading is one of the most common 'symptoms' of Dyslexia, and is essential to address as early as possible. When a child falls behind their classmates with reading, they not only miss out on accessing a world of information and learning, they also suffer enormous self-esteem issues.
Research shows that the 'gold-standard' for dyslexia reading and spelling remediation is the Orton–Gillingham method. Programs based on its core ideas take a very structured approach. They’re also multisensory—using hearing, touch, movement and sight to make language connections.
Love Your Brain uses the Barton Reading and Spelling System to improve outcomes for dyslexic learners. Lessons start with phonemic awareness, and move through all of the structure and rules of the English language. Steps can not be skipped as it is essential that the student has no holes in their knowledge in order to be able to progress.
To be successful, lessons need to occur at least twice a week, each time for 45 minutes. It is possible to split those lessons into shorter sessions, more times per week (for example, three 30 minute sessions) if the student is very young or has attention difficulties. More information on the Barton Reading and Spelling System can be found at the Bright Solutions website here.
Tutoring costs $60.00+GST per 45 minute session. Shorter or longer sessions are available, and maybe more suitable for younger or older students. Take a look at the Terms for exact pricing. There may also be additional travel cost for tutoring that takes place off-site. To find out more, contact us to have a chat.

​Math is an interesting subject in that it requires conceptual, logical and spatial reasoning – all areas in which the dyslexic thinker can excel. It also requires neatness, exactness and efficient computation skills, as well as planning and sequencing – areas in which the dyslexic thinker struggles.
Additionally, many dyslexic learners struggle with poor working memory. Doing math requires students to keep in mind all of the facts they have just heard, engage in calculations, and then recall additional math facts in order to complete the problem. Poor performance in mental calculation is commonly a result of poor working memory, resulting in the loss of information. This may also contribute to some difficulties when a child needs to apply a particular formula or a mathematical rule to solve a problem.
Word problems can also present difficulties for the dyslexic learner. They might know how to do the calculations and the correct procedures to solve the problem, but they can not comprehend what they are being asked to do. Math problems often lack context and use complex grammar and words which can be challenging for a person with dyslexia.
When teaching math to a dyslexic student, their individual learning style must be acknowledged through the development of strategies that compensate for their unique difficulties.
Love Your Brain can successfully work with each student to discover and help their areas of weakness, enabling them to master math at each level. Coaching can be used in short bursts to address individual problems, or as a longer term arrangement to address a deeper understanding.
Tutoring costs $60.00+GST per 45 minute session. Shorter or longer sessions are available, and maybe more suitable for younger or older students. Take a look at the Terms for exact pricing. There may be additional travel cost for tutoring that takes place off-site. To find out more, contact us to have a chat.

Working Memory
Does your Dyslexic child struggle with understanding and performing more than one task at a time? Do they struggle with reading comprehension or performing maths calculations in their heads? Chances are they, like many Dyslexic learners, have a poor working memory.
Working memory refers to the manipulation of information that short-term memory stores. (In the past, the term “working memory” was used interchangeably with the term “short-term memory.”) It’s a skill kids use to learn, and it’s needed for tasks like following multi-step directions, solving maths problems in your head, or reading comprehension.
Love Your Brain utilises a number of working memory games and exercises to help students improve their working memory, leading to an improvement in learning outcomes.
To find out more, contact us to have a chat.

Help for Parents
Dyslexia brings together a complex series of difficulties and strengths, and appears uniquely in each individual learner. What works for one child or family may not work for another. Within the same family, you may be struggling with:
Reading - decoding and/or comprehension
Writing - handwriting legibility or organising thoughts
Maths - basic facts, times tables, remembering sequences
Basic organisational skills - planning homework, orderliness, remembering multi-step directions
Frustration - avoidance, attention or anger
Love Your Brain can provide a plan for both the adults and the learners in the family, helping you find a path towards positivity and success. This would occur via a face to face meeting, and additional support using e-mail and phone.
Support costs $70.00+GST per 1 hour session. If your child is receiving tutoring, this service is free. To find out more, contact us to have a chat.