Terms and Conditions
​"If you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it."
Cost and Location of Tutoring Sessions
30 minute sessions - $57.50 inc GST per session.
45 minute sessions - $69.00 inc GST per session.
60 minute sessions - $80.50 inc GST per session.
Teacher meetings and IEP meetings - priced as per the tutoring sessions above.
Payment is to be made within 7 days via internet banking, unless otherwise arranged.
Non-payment within this time period may lead to your space being given to another student.
Where possible, primary school students from the following schools will be tutored during school hours, on school grounds. Parents are responsible for checking with both the school for space availability and the student's teacher for permission. Schools include Laingholm School, Woodlands Park School, Titirangi School, Kaurilands School, Konini School, Oratia School, Green Bay School and St Dominics Primary.
All other students will need to confirm our ability to tutor at their school, attend tutoring via Zoom, or at Julie's home office in Woodlands Park.
School Year
Tutoring will take place during school term time only, unless otherwise arranged. Usually tutoring does not take place in the first week of the school year to allow students to settle into new routines, nor in the last week of the school year.
Please note that all sessions are fully booked. Lateness to a session counts as part of the tutoring time, and the session can not be extended to accommodate.
After school sessions are booked according to availability.
​Cancellation Policy
Students must commit to a full term of tutoring at the start of each term. If tutoring is cancelled prior to the end of the term, parents are liable for the unfilled lessons unless prior arrangement has been made, or the cancelled sessions have been filled by another student.
If the student has a school trip, teacher only day, is sick or otherwise misses a session, that session will be charged. Where possible a make-up session will be scheduled, but this is not always possible due to our fully booked schedules. There is a greater chance of a makeup session if you let us know about any absences early in the term. Make-up sessions could be conducted either during school hours at school or via Zoom.
If we turn up to the school and the student is involved in a school event such as athletics, swimming, a performance, etc, we will not pull them from the event to attend tutoring. This is due to their willingness to learn and our ability to locate them on school grounds.
Sometimes events such as lockdown drills or fire drills happen that are neither the fault of the parent nor the tutor. If such an event occurs during a tutoring session, your tutor will offer you the opportunity to either schedule a makeup session where possible or lengthen a number of existing sessions to make up for the lost time.
Extended Holidays
From time to time, families wish to take an extended holiday together. We are happy for our students to do this, but due to the long-term nature of the tutoring relationship, we can not easily fill their tutoring times. Therefore, the student's regular missed sessions will be invoiced weekly while they are away. We will make every attempt to offer makeup sessions, but depending on the length of the holiday, this may not be possible. To have the best chance of achieving these makeup sessions, parents should contact the tutor as early as possible, so sessions can be conducted before and after the holiday.